Friday, June 4, 2010

Daycare Idol

Jamie and I have seen 3 different day cares now and feel qualified enough to make snap judgements. The following DayCare could be a perfectly fine and affordable establishment but it never got the chance.

I set up a visit the day after Memorial Day. He said it would be no problem, just call on my way over. So I called on my way over and as I was driving by and as I pulled into the the run-down vacant lot across the street. All I got on each call was the "We're-away-for-Memorial-Day" message.

I was waiting for Jamie to arrive but had already decided this wasn't for Baby-Kelly. I appreciate the $10 they spent on the sign for the day-care and the playground forged from raided dumpsters but it was not for us.

No idea how many words "daycare" is btw. I took the shotgun approach hoping one of them was used correctly.


  1. Out of everything, I would be most suspicious of that parked van in the background of the last picture.

  2. No, that van has windows. I think anyone buying a van without windows should be flagged.
