Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Evan's Funniest Picture...So Far

I've decided to start a new feature on the blog. You will pick the funniest picture of Evan from these 4 pictures. The picture that wins will be the EFP...SF. Then, just like the champ in boxing, contenders will step up to try to take the title. Only one picture can retain the belt. Which will be the first EFP...SF? Check the right side of the main page for voting. Click the pictures for larger versions.





Monday, December 20, 2010

Santa and Gender Fail #1

Evan got to meet The-Man-in-Red for the first time!! At a PNC Bank, naturally. He got his picture taken with a new-ish Polaroid camera. Who knew they still made those? It was kind of fun to shake the picture like we used to do.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Saturday, November 27, 2010


Here is the video of our tree going up for Evan's first Christmas. Apparently, Green Christmas by BNL is banned from the Internet because YouTube and Photobucket won't host my video. Let's see if I can load it through Facebook...

Yay! Screw you internet!

Monday, November 15, 2010

5,000 Words

Evan meets his new friend Addie!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The Week in Evan!

Here is a mish-mash of what Evan has been up to recently. There are some smiles, some coooos, a Sammy sighting and classy ending.

Monday, November 8, 2010


Evan had a good Halloween. We went to our friend's party with him (dressed up of course) and he was awesome. So well behaved. Probably too well behaved. We might have given our childless friends the wrong impression of how loud babies can be.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Hatred and Cuteness

There are many happy moments with Evan; Cuddling with him when he is sleeping, watching his eyes discover something new and laughing loudly when he is Toots MaGoots (a character my wife made up for when he is nonchalantly doing his business).

And then there are moments like this. Pure hatred of everything. Here is a taste of both worlds.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Friday, October 1, 2010

Onesie to Rule Them All.

We got this onesie today from our friends Mel and Dave and it pretty much rocks.

It's very Calvin & Hobbes-esque. It's called Self Portrait and it is from Threadless Kids. This is a site I will be frequenting often.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Hurry Up and Wait

Here we are, 3 days past the due date and counting. The eviction date was scheduled this morning. So now we wait. I am punctual to a fault so I am already generating a list of things to teach this boy. 1) Don't kick your mom on the inside or outside. 2) Be on time...that's all I have right now. It will be an ever-growing list.

The name has been chosen and is still a big-ol' secret. Here are the names that my co-workers have generated.

I'm going to have to gently break the news that we didn't pick one of their names...or did we??


No, seriously...we didn't.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


I did my first official baby-proofing over the weekend. After striking a match and having the match head break off in mid-light sending a burning match head onto the tile (very near the trash can) below I decided that the matches needed a higher perch.

That should keep little hands and Jamie away. Now I just need to find a perch that keeps me from the matches.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Flip Cam

All of our showers are over and lil' Bugger is less than a month away...and also, I got this awesome Flip video camera!

This was more of a test run but figured I might as well post it. It is filled with nonsense, droid-shaped nursery items, horrible wipes, Baby POV and things that are not creepy.

Also, props to StubePT for helping me widen my blog and adding a fancy header.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Choose the outfit!

We have decided to leave the initial fashion of our boy to you; the reader. On the right of the blog you'll see a poll. You are voting on what outfit our boy is wearing when he comes home for the first time.

Aliens v. Bugs!



Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Li'l Tiger!

Thanks to several friends and family, Boy Kelly now has a good collection of Who-Dey gear! I was in a Cincy Babies R Us last weekend and Carson Palmer Onesies were $31! Thirty-one dollars for a onesie made of jersey material that will fit him for 4 weeks and I STILL wanted to buy it.

Actually, some of my regular jerseys were good for about 4 weeks...stupid Odell Thruman.

An early name has done an end-around and moved back into the top position! Will it have the staying power? Find out in 5 weeks!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Swagger Wagon

Another great ad! I am a Toyota man but I hope to avoid the minivan route at all costs.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Jack Sack

Along with the name of this blog I had decided I wanted this sling diaper bag a long time ago. Luckily, since I am the father of a 2-pound eggplant, my wife got me the bag for Father's Day. Woot. My buddy recently informed me that it is called a "Jack Sack" after Jack Bauer on 24.

I'll go with that description even though I'm sure Jack wasn't packing diapers in his. Although dirty diapers would be a sweet interrogation tool. His checklist on the inner flap probably looked different than mine too.

Friday, June 25, 2010

No way that just happened

I saw an print-ad for these and quickly rolled my eyes. There are plenty of other ways to spend money as parents-to-be. Still, this commercial is awesome.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Nursery Update

The nursery is coming along. We got some of the furniture delivered (by me) from BrUs a couple of weeks back. Here is our dresser:

The clothes in front of the dresser are from Jamie's coworker. She gave us a kid-ton of second-hand little boy clothes which is going to help out a lot. Our crib still looks like a cardboard box. I'm not assembling it until I get the painting done. Hoping to get the room primed this weekend. Here are the 3, very different colors we are looking at:

We've pretty much decided on the green because it seems fun.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Daycare Idol

Jamie and I have seen 3 different day cares now and feel qualified enough to make snap judgements. The following DayCare could be a perfectly fine and affordable establishment but it never got the chance.

I set up a visit the day after Memorial Day. He said it would be no problem, just call on my way over. So I called on my way over and as I was driving by and as I pulled into the the run-down vacant lot across the street. All I got on each call was the "We're-away-for-Memorial-Day" message.

I was waiting for Jamie to arrive but had already decided this wasn't for Baby-Kelly. I appreciate the $10 they spent on the sign for the day-care and the playground forged from raided dumpsters but it was not for us.

No idea how many words "daycare" is btw. I took the shotgun approach hoping one of them was used correctly.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Dresser Win!

Dresser #2 arrived last week and we put it together with great success! Although, I think the universe is trying to balance itself out because my camera battery died at the end of the video robbing, you, the viewer of several more hilarious stop-motion animations. Luckily, I noticed that the camera was off relatively quickly and stopped my antics.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Dresser Fail.

So, we ordered a little dresser for the nursery. Got it from Target online last week and finally got around to putting it together today. Not so fast. After following the instructions exactly we were left with a dresser with a door that would not close because the vertical piece was warped. That's what all the opening and closing of the door at the end of the video is about.

I set up the time-lapse in hopes of capturing triumph but it only shows defeat. I was able to return it in-store and get the shipping fee back. I guess we reorder and hope the B-Team wasn't making dresser parts that day.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


I just remembered! We were at Buy Buy Baby and they had a shirt that said "My first birthday!" The size was 24 months.


I am a sucker for tiny clothes with cute things on them at this point. As a geek that based his bathroom color-scheme off of a Spider-Man 2 poster this had to be purchased immediately. Thanks for that link Sis!

Here are some other options for the times that the Spider-Man onesie is dirty.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Ultrasound Video!

How cool is it that they record your ultrasound onto a dvd? Very. I got that first sense of, "whoa, there is really a baby in there" when I saw his arms move. I really hope he gets over the scary-looking face thing. He put up quite a fight to keep his stuff hidden (the quick shaking about 3/4 of the way through is the nurse trying to get him to move.)

Why don't people believe you when you say you didn't care if it was a boy or girl as long as it's healthy?

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

I wanna' Rock!

This is very awesome but would be a very inefficient use of space in our current room. I have a feeling this would just be a future clothes-hanger like the Bowflex I don't have.


Monday, May 3, 2010

Babys get Cute Stuff.

We started our registry at Babies Ahhrrr Us last weekend and you, pretty much, can't stop yourself from dying of cuteness. In particular, the crib/valence/lamp combo pack that we liked was too good to go on the registry. We had to have it now...that and it was being phased out so we had to jump on it.

It comes with 5 square animal tiles that you can hang as art:

It also has this matching lamp:
