Thursday, September 30, 2010

Hurry Up and Wait

Here we are, 3 days past the due date and counting. The eviction date was scheduled this morning. So now we wait. I am punctual to a fault so I am already generating a list of things to teach this boy. 1) Don't kick your mom on the inside or outside. 2) Be on time...that's all I have right now. It will be an ever-growing list.

The name has been chosen and is still a big-ol' secret. Here are the names that my co-workers have generated.

I'm going to have to gently break the news that we didn't pick one of their names...or did we??


No, seriously...we didn't.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


I did my first official baby-proofing over the weekend. After striking a match and having the match head break off in mid-light sending a burning match head onto the tile (very near the trash can) below I decided that the matches needed a higher perch.

That should keep little hands and Jamie away. Now I just need to find a perch that keeps me from the matches.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Flip Cam

All of our showers are over and lil' Bugger is less than a month away...and also, I got this awesome Flip video camera!

This was more of a test run but figured I might as well post it. It is filled with nonsense, droid-shaped nursery items, horrible wipes, Baby POV and things that are not creepy.

Also, props to StubePT for helping me widen my blog and adding a fancy header.